Ridge Fridge News & Announcements

Cabin Fever at Reddick Library

OTTAWA, IL --Join us in our cooking series teaching ways to preserve your root vegetables for winter stores and which herbs to grow for fresh use, dried use or herbal teas to sooth the winter blues away . . .

What is the Member Fee for?

Cooperatives, no matter what the industry, are founded on mutual benefits as a company and as members. Member-owned utilities, agricultural services and banking institutions exist all over the US. Becoming a member is contributing to the foundation of our rural food cooperative and is the basis for our programming ranging from negotiating discounted food prices to arranging member benefits like wellness partner discounts and free farm tours to meet our growers. Currently, the member fee supports our storefront to host our buying club drop and produce pickup from our group of 100+ neighboring farm families eager to bring their food to our tables.

What is a Grange?

Since the beginning of mercantile exchange, farmers organized with proprietors and railmen to get the word out about all the wonderful goods available, upcoming and announced opportunities to expand, grow and protect interest in the commodity. Check back often to learn how we connect farmers, eaters and the people making a stand for local food in Illinois. Here's a glimpse of one group leading our way toward Food as Medicine by modeling a successful launch in Arizona:

Azure Standard: A Journey of Sustainability

We pride ourselvesin partnering with people around the country who bring value to our core values of sustainability and regenerative farming.Let us introduce you to Azure Standard, a company providing a buying club for our members to scoop up namebrand organic and natural foods and household supplies that gets delivered right to our doorstep in the Ridge.